Aspectos identificables sobre web3
People get reward for their attention
Content creators are rewarded for their content
Influence is measured in tokens
- Persistant, distibuted, tamper resistant, cryptographically secure database
- Data is there forever
- Perfect place to store property rights, credentials, identities and agreements
- No one can censor data in the Blockchain
A project that pretend to replace the entire DNS system
Descentralize everybody
allows users to sign and verify any agreement through the bitcoin blockchain with really low cost
An agreement having lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or more parties,
each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them.
smart contract
Is a computer protocol that facilitates, verifies, or enforces the negociation or performance
of a contract, or that obviate the needs for a contractual clause.
First introduced by David Chaum and Nick Szabo en 1980s
Vitalik Buterin and Stefan Thomas enhanced via Ethereum and Codius projects
Problems that blockchain can help solve
- Build a censorship resistant, always accesible digital history
- Build credit metrics and risk metrics on that
- Reduce transaction cost, payment systems
- Build micro finance and micro insurance, lending clubs, etc
Examples: Solutions that can be builded using this tech